
Employers’ challenges


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08/16/2022 | Employers’ challenges | 8 min read
Employee involvement
Surprisingly, few workers are actually involved in their work. Globally, this percentage averages about 12-14, and in Western states, about 30 percent (Gallup, 2020). In the most successful companies, about 70 percent of employees are engaged, but there are few such enterprises.

“Employee involvement” is a management term that means that the employee likes his activities, the work is interesting to him, the employee is emotionally engaged, wants to continue this work, and goes to it voluntarily. When we ask people what a favorite job means to them, usually the answer is one – I wake up with desire, I go to work with pleasure.

How to Recognize an Uninvolved Employee?

Signs that an employee is disengaged:

  • passivity;

  • unwillingness to undertake tasks;

  • silence during meetings;

  • the desire to get out of work as soon as possible;

  • delays in performing tasks;

  • avoidance of responsibility;

  • rudeness, and roughness.

The culture, product, and business model of the organization is important for employee engagement, but the most important role still lies with the manager closest to the employee. He can involve the employee or kill their desire. As the manager himself is indifferent, the problem is the team languishes.

The most important things that determine employee engagement are the belief that I can contribute to the quality of the product or service itself. Perhaps this is the answer to why business owners are drowning in the ears at work; why there are a lot of people involved in start-ups – the product is still in development and its future depends on you. Meanwhile, activities in companies where everything is created, well established, only routine execution remains – it does not inspire in any way.

How to Improve Employee Engagement

Sometimes, companies and managers blame themselves for not getting employees involved, but there are some employees who will simply never get involved. These are negative, unsatisfied, or inactive employees. Employees who are waiting for someone to create an atmosphere will prepare descriptions until someone “motivates” to work.

Since involvement is greatest when an employee can influence the quality of a product or service, it is necessary to show how the employee can contribute to the satisfaction or well-being of the customer – after all, this is the final result of the right product (by the way, for the younger generation, the environmental impact of the company’s product is one of the most important criteria when choosing a future employer).  This is the mission mentioned in the title of this article. When I feel the meaning of my days, when I know that my work has an impact on people, on the world, it motivates, inspires. I want to get up in the morning and go to work.


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