UAB Helis play organisation picture
UAB Helis play organisation logo

UAB Helis play

RN: 304923415
VAT: LT100011905314
E. Ožeškienės, Kaunas, Lithuania
Company Size177 Employees
Average Salary, Men/Women3899.3 / 2316.31 EUR
Revenue33234597 EUR
Salary3273.26 EUR
Official Languages

Company Overview

For gamers: a one-stop shop for all your gaming and entertainment needs with the best deals on over 80,000 products, secure payments, quick refunds, and ready-to-help customer support. For game publishers: an established and trusted alternative distribution platform that opens up new markets and revenue streams, and enables you to lower operational costs. For sellers: a fair playing field to present your offer to gamers, compete with other verified sellers, and sell your stock using our simple tools and automated API integration. For creators and partners: an affiliate program with unlimited earnings, no minimum withdrawals, 30-day tracking cookies, optimization tools, and hands-on support. For future team members: flexible on-site, hybrid, and remote career opportunities to fuel your personal and professional growth.