Travel Retail Vilnius organisation picture
Travel Retail Vilnius organisation logo

Travel Retail Vilnius

Retail Trade
RN: 300940552
VAT: LT100003378318
Rodūnios kel., Vilnius, Lithuania
Company Size126 Employees
Average Salary, Men/Women2210.98 / 2316.92 EUR
Revenue34592000 EUR
Salary2296.66 EUR
Official Languages

Company Overview

JSC "Travel Retail Vilnius" is the largest Travel Value | Duty Free concept store operator in Lithuania. The company's stores serve departing passengers at Vilnius and Kaunas airports. Perfumery/cosmetic products, alcoholic beverages, confectionery, tobacco, various accessories, etc. are sold.

Company Gallery

UAB Travel Retail Vilnius gallery picture 0
UAB Travel Retail Vilnius gallery picture 1