UAB "Ekskomisarų biuras" organisation picture
UAB "Ekskomisarų biuras" organisation logo

UAB "Ekskomisarų biuras"

Safety and Security
RN: 122755433
VAT: LT227554314
Eigulių, Vilnius, Lithuania
Company Size1775 Employees
Average Salary, Men/Women1345.62 / 1201.28 EUR
Revenue29551946 EUR
Salary1314.29 EUR
Official Languages

Company Overview

“Ekskomisarų biuras” is the first and one of the largest full-service security company in Lithuania. Our many years of experience and the use of the most advanced technologies allow us to provide the highest quality services. Our team consists of the most reliable, hard-working, and dedicated specialists ready to take care of your safety. We are entrusted with the security of residents from all over Lithuania, the majority of shopping and business centres. We take care of the peace of mind of Lithuanian and foreign stars, and we ensure the smooth running of major events.