DB Aljansas organisation picture
DB Aljansas organisation logo

DB Aljansas

Finance and Insurance
RN: 302608851
VAT: LT100006241611
Vykinto g., Vilnius, Lithuania
Company Size35 Employees
Average Salary, Men/Women3271.59 / 1943.41 EUR
Revenue1577167 EUR
Salary2284.94 EUR
Official Languages

Company Overview

Focused on servicing corporate clients, UADBB “Draudimo brokerių aljansas” is an insurance brokerage company established in 2011 by UAB Koncernas “Achema grupė” and private individuals. The insurance brokerage company specialises in non-life insurance by pursuing its core business idea of distributing insurance products and providing other financial services. Our customer service model helps clients to save money on insurance, obtain broader insurance coverage, simplify claims management, etc. UADBB “Draudimo brokerių aljansas” is a professional, reliable and responsible distributor of non-life insurance products.