Akcinė bendrovė "ŽEMAITIJOS PIENAS" organisation picture
Akcinė bendrovė "ŽEMAITIJOS PIENAS" organisation logo

Akcinė bendrovė "ŽEMAITIJOS PIENAS"

RN: 180240752
VAT: LT802407515
Sedos g., Telšiai, Lithuania
Company Size1380 Employees
Average Salary, Men/Women2889.28 / 2485.57 EUR
Revenue181393577 EUR
Salary2713.3 EUR
Official Languages

Company Overview

We invite you to work with Žemaitijos Pienas – one of the largest and modern milk processing and dairy production companies in Lithuania – by fostering Samogitian production traditions. Our engine is our employees' knowledge and skills. We believe that each member of our team is an inseparable part of a successfully operating machine. We always search for ambitious people, who would like to grow together with our company. We invite you to join our flexible, constantly improving and challenge-driven team.